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Se multiplican las marchas y expresiones en California demandando a Israel el cese del exterminio de palestinos

October 18, 2023 - por

Se multiplican las marchas y expresiones en California demandando a Israel el cese del exterminio de palestinos

Los manifestantes angelinos recordaron que el movimiento extremista Hamas no representa a todo el pueblo palestino, que sufre las consecuencias del ataque a Israel sin acceso a agua, luz, combustibles ni suministros en la Franja de Gaza. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images

Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Ondeando la bandera de Palestina, miles de personas se sumaron este sábado 14 de octubre a la denominada ‘Manifestación por el retorno: Todos fuera de Gaza’, frente al Consulado General de Israel, en el 11766 del boulevar Wilshire, en Los Ángeles. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Personas de todas las edades, descendientes de palestinos y de otras nacionalidades, se dieron cita desde temprano para enviar un mensaje contundente contra la ofensiva israelí. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
A woman holds a sign fearing genocide as she joins thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" during a march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
“No permitan que Israel cometa genocidio en nombre del judaísmo”, lee en español la pancarta que llevó esta manifestante al evento convocado por el Movimiento Juvenil Palestino. En medio de la guerra de Israel con Hamas, pidieron la liberación de Palestina. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
“Amada Palestina, te escuchamos. Poder a la resistencia”, lee en español esta otra pancarta. La cifra de fallecidos por el conflicto se mantiene en aumento: Israel estima que los suyos superan los 1,400 mientras que las autoridades palestinas declaran más de 2,600. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
La manifestación comenzó pasado el mediodía y a una voz se reclamó impedir que la ofensiva israelí contra Hamas, extermine a los palestinos. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Tanto el primer ministro israelí, Benjamin Netanyahu, como el ministro de Defensa, Yoav Gallant, han sido comparados con el dictador alemán Adolfo Hitler, responsable del exterminio de millones de judíos. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Fue Gallant quien este viernes dijo a los residentes del norte de la Franja de Gaza que Israel quiere separar a la población civil de los miembros de Hamas. Seguido, les advirtió: “Quienes quieran salvar su vida, por favor váyanse al sur”. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Cientos de miles de palestinos salieron en busca de refugio al sur, muriendo algunos en la ruta a causa de los incesantes bombardeos de Israel a la Franja de Gaza. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Desde Los Ángeles, California, miles de corazones se solidarizaron con la situación, exigiendo un alto al fuego por el bien de los millones de civiles que se están afectando. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
TOPSHOT - A LAPD helicoper flies over demonstrators waving Palestinian flags during a march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
El Departamento de la Policía de Los Ángeles prestó vigilancia y, aunque entrada la tarde hubo una pequeña confrontación con una persona que apoya las acciones de Israel, el pleito no llegó a mayores. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
A protestor holds a sign rading "Fuck Hamas" as he joins thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" during a march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
El Ejército de Israel confirmó que el grupo extremista Hamas tiene 155 rehenes en la Franja de Gaza. Si no los entrega, se agota el tiempo para que las fuerzas israelíes no descarten una invasión por tierra. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images
Thousands of demonstrators waving Palestinian flags and signs denouncing "Israeli apartheid" march in support of Palestinians in Los Angeles on October 14, 2023. Thousands of Palestinians sought refuge on October 14 after Israel warned them to evacuate the northern Gaza Strip before an expected ground offensive against Hamas, one week on from the deadliest attack in Israeli history. (Photo by DAVID SWANSON / AFP) (Photo by DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images)
Actualmente, hay cientos de heridos recibiendo tratamiento en hospitales al norte de la Franja de Gaza. De esos centros, nadie puede escapar o buscar refugio, por lo que con cada minuto que pasa, la tensión aumenta. Crédito: DAVID SWANSON/AFP via Getty Images